For the third time, an Edmonton businesswoman who volunteers for the Edmonton Humane Society has organized to fly in dogs from California puppy mills to Edmonton.

The California Canine Cuties Animal Transfer Program has now officially become a regular operation to save dogs' lives. The program is an Edmonton Humane Society initiative to help put a dent in the puppy and broker industry.

Edmontonian Jan Folk has arranged for the animals to be flown via a private jet Friday afternoon at the Edmonton International Airport.

Friday's flight will mark the third flight that Folk's organization, The Orange Dog, has been involved in the program.

"The heart of this program's success has been largely because of the dedication from loving volunteers on either side of the border," said Edmonton Humane Society spokesperson, Shawna Randolph. "It is estimated that 18,000 volunteer hours have been committed to saving these small creatures. It's unbelievable how much love goes into this."

The Edmonton Humane Society says it finds more people are willing to wait for the California dogs because some feel those sold in newspaper or online ads, or in pet stores may come from puppy mills or brokers where they often live in questionable conditions.